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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. While users are visiting the site, they can also receive cookies coming from other sites or different web servers (third party cookies), in which can reside elements (such as images, maps, sounds, links coming from pages from a different domain) on the website the user is visitng.

The website uses Cookies for:

techinical cookies
They are used in order to “transmit information on the web, or to give the possibility to the supplier to provide a service of the information society explicitly asked by the user or subscriber” (cfr. art. 122, comma 1, of the Italian Law Code).
They cannot be used for any other purpose and are generally installed by the owner or manager of the web site. They can be divided into session and permanent cookies, and they guarantee the normal navigation and fruition of the web site (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or the log in into a reserved area); cookie analytics, included in the technical cookies if used by the owner of the site in order to reach information, in aggregated way, on the number of visitors and about their behaviour; functionality cookies, enhancing the use of the website according to a set of possibilities (for example, language, products selected for purchase) in order to give a better service.
To install those cookies the approval of users is not required.

third party cookies
They allow to create an anonymous profile of the user based upon their navigation experience on this and all the other websites. In this way is possible to provide advertisement focus on their interests and not generic advertising. These cookies are not controlled by our business and are called third party cookies. It is possible to read the policy privacy of third parties on the following links:

correlation cookies for plug-in to social networks
The Site uses cookies for the plug-in to social networks of different third parties. It allows to share the contents of the site on specific social networks. These plug-ins optimize the semplicity of the usability of the site.the site. The use of data gathered by third parties through plug ins to social networks is determined by third parties only. ● it is not able to access to these cookies, and third parties cannot have access to cookies of ●. To obtain information about cookies of third parties, read the policies of the parties involved.

Options on the use of cookies.
You can set your computer in order to warn you any time a cookie is sent, or rather disallow any cookie. It is possible to do it through the settings of your browser. Since any browser has slightly different functions, check on the “help” menu how to change correctly the settings about cookies.
You can change the settings of your browser in order to delete cookies or not to save them on your computer or mobile device without you explicit consent. The following links can show you how to set your browser:

Internet Explorer:
Mozilla Firefox:
Google Chrome: